
Running Watir webdriver scripts in Browser Stack Environment

Running Watir webdriver scripts in Browser Stack Environment

Why it is required?:

If we need to run the scripts in more than 5 machines with different OS and browser versions then we may need to invest more in infrasturure. To aviod this, we will have Test server in Browserstack.


1. Create trail account in

2. Copy the Authentication URL from your acoutn page

3. Run the below code

require ‘rubygems’
require ‘watir-webdriver’

include Selenium

caps = WebDriver::Remote::Capabilities.htmlunit(:javascript_enabled => true)
caps.platform = :WINDOWS
caps[:name] = “Watir WebDriver”
caps[:browser] = “chrome”
caps.version = 20
caps[“browserstack.debug”] = “true”
caps[“browserstack.tunnel”] = true

browser =,
:url => “PASTE BTASCK URL HERE”, # Sample
:desired_capabilities => caps)

browser.goto “”

sleep 9 # You should use wait methods instead of sleep
puts browser.title


Easy implementation with any exisitng framework


The execution speed will be 2x~3x slow when comparing with your local machine execution.

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