
Ruby Highline – Examples




>gem install highline

In Code -> Include — > require “highline/import”

Basic usage:

ask(“Company? “) { |q| q.default = “none” }


  ask("Age?  ", Integer) { |q| q.in = 0..105 }
  ask("Name?  (last, first)  ")
 { |q| q.validate = /\A\w+, ?\w+\Z/ }

Type conversion for answers:

  ask("Birthday?  ", Date)
  ask("Interests?  (comma sep list)  ",
lambda { |str| str.split(/,\s*/) })

Reading passwords:

  ask("Enter your password:  ") { |q| q.echo = false }
  ask("Enter your password:  ") { |q| q.echo = "x" }

ERb based output (with HighLine‘s ANSI color tools):

  say("This should be <%= color('bold', BOLD) %>!")


  choose do |menu|
    menu.prompt = "Please choose your favorite
programming language?  "

    menu.choice(:ruby) { say("Good choice!") }
    menu.choices(:python, :perl)
{ say("Not from around here, are you?") }

Reference --> http://highline.rubyforge.org/doc/

Highline – Ruby Gem

HighLine is about…

Saving time.

Command line interfaces are meant to be easy. So why shouldn’t building them be easy, too? HighLine provides a solid toolset to help you get the job done cleanly so you can focus on the real task at hand, your task.

Clean and intuitive design.

Want to get a taste for how HighLine is used? Take a look at this simple example, which asks a user for a zip code, automatically does validation, and returns the result:


require “highline/import”

zipcode = ask(“Zip?  “) { |zip| zip.validate = /\A\d{5}(?:-?\d{4})?\Z/ }

Hassle-free Installation.

Installation is easy via RubyGems. Simply enter the command:

linux :   sudo gem install highline

Windows:  gem install highline

and you’ll be on your way! Of course, manual installation is an option, too.

For more details http://highline.rubyforge.org/
