Installtion of Rails · RubyonRails

RubyOnRails Working Environment

Working With RubyOnRails: (Installation of Rails in Windows Platform)

The following requirements are need work with Ruby On Rails Environment.

1. Operating System : Windows XP or later with Service pack 2.

2. Ruby Software : Ruby is a free software which one is available of the

following link.

3. Database :I am using XAMPP(combination of Mysql and Apache). For download Xampp
4. Checkout : Tortoise SVN latest version available he following


For 32 bit –>

for 64 bit –>

5. Rails and other gem installation :

a. Your PC with net connection then you follow this procedure otherwise goto next section.

i) check your ruby path Ex: c:\ruby
ii) Rails Installation Goto command prompt c:\gem install rails
This command helps to install latest version of rails(rails1.2.3). In case you want to install previous version then just include version also c:\gem install rails -v1.1.6.
iii) Other gems installation : c:\gem install GEMNAME

b. Rails installation without net connection

i) Requirement :Need .gem files. It is available from the following url.

This link contains all the gems with all latest and as well as old versions.

ii) Just copy the gem which one is need– paste that gem file to following path c:\ruby\bin\PASTEGEM
iii) Now I want to install rails1.1.6 gem. so just paste rails1.1.6.gem file to c:\ruby\bin\rails1.1.6.gem. Then Command prompt c:\ruby\bin\gem install rails1.1.6. It asks some dependency gems include their versions. So the same way to install that dependency once again. Ex. activerecord1.13.1 need then paste activerecord1.13.1.gem file to c:\ruby\bin\activerecord1.13.1.gem Goto command prompt c:\ruby\bin\gem install activerecord1.13.1
After the dependency installation install rails gem with our favor command c:\ruby\bin\gem install rails1.1.6.
Dependency circle is depends upon gems.

So you must install all dependencies to install particular gem.

Now your system ready to work with Ruby on rails…But how u can start without guideline. So please follow this This BOOK

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